08-28-2015, 04:28 PM
NPCs are Non Playable Characters, provided by the plugin citizens. The following guide provides the most common usage of NPCs, which cost $1000 to create. A full list of commands can be found here.
1. Creating NPCs
/npc create {name}
1. Modifying NPCs
/npc sel{name}
- /command
- {required argument}
- [optional argument]
1. Creating NPCs
/npc create {name}
Creates an NPC with the name {name}. An NPC's name may contain colors. Be aware that the gender of the NPC is randomized. The only way of changing the NPC's gender is to delete the NPC and create it again in hopes you get the gender you want.
/npc rename {name}Changes the name of the NPC.
/trait {traitname}Changes the job of the NPC, for example, hcmerchant makes the NPC a shopkeeper.
1. Modifying NPCs
/npc sel{name}
Selects the NPC under your cursor. You must be looking at an NPC to select it.
/npc lookcloseToggles whether the NPC looks at nearby players.
/npc moveMoves the NPC to your current location.
/npc textEnters the Text Editor. While in the editor, all text entered by the player is captured by the editor and interpreted as commands. A list of valid commands is displayed when entering the editor, or when the user enters "help" into chat. To exit the editor, type "exit" into chat.
/npc equipToggles the equipment editor. When in this mode, hold the item you'd like to give to the NPC in your hand, then right click the NPC. The item will be taken from you and placed onto the NPC. Right click the NPC with an empty hand to remove all equipped items from the NPC and into your inventory.
![[Image: MC_Sig.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/timber3050/Sigs/MC_Sig.jpg)
Founder and Co-owner of The Wolf Den