Due to theft of potions from Derpy_Clark (Derpahontis') chests and breaking of walls in his structures, the mods and member+ staff available at the time have agreed on a temporary ban of three days for Slothboxers. Pending further adjudication from higher ranking staff members, this will go in effect immediately, and last until roughly 4:15pm EST 7/21/2015.
This is a second offense, though the first was dealt with outside normal adjudicatorial means.
I apologise for posting this in the general forum, permissions for proper forum posting are still being processed. Pictures of inspection information of said chests and greifing will be posted below in reply.
Thank you.
*** Addendum - As tempban cannot be used on offline players, the ban will be applied on next login, but ideally, should remain in effect until the above date, or roughly thereabouts.
This is a second offense, though the first was dealt with outside normal adjudicatorial means.
I apologise for posting this in the general forum, permissions for proper forum posting are still being processed. Pictures of inspection information of said chests and greifing will be posted below in reply.
Thank you.
*** Addendum - As tempban cannot be used on offline players, the ban will be applied on next login, but ideally, should remain in effect until the above date, or roughly thereabouts.
![[Image: 27302813601_7b3543cebe_z.jpg]](https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7607/27302813601_7b3543cebe_z.jpg)