We're all aware that there has been an exp nerf to McMMO to prevent disproportional leveling up that spiral into the thousands in the first week but there are definitely some skills that have been hit so hard by the nerf that they are no longer useful but worthless and a waste of time and material to even make an effort.
This encompasses three skills:
1) Repair
2) Alchemy
3) Unarmed
1) Repair
Repair used to be fine when we had McMMO for the second time (during the world with Under Terra and Blue's Tower).
Since the nerf, exp gain has become laughable and the arcane enchant which makes you lose enchants from weapons/armor has made an evil appearance. This has ruined the skill attempting to level it up is a pure joke.
Here's an example:
My golden armor at roughly 1/8th durability.
![[Image: voIrxeXh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/voIrxeXh.png)
My exp before repair.
![[Image: ejDW6QNh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ejDW6QNh.png)
After repair.
![[Image: hM7zMIkh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/hM7zMIkh.png)
According to the McMMO forums, for ONE piece of GOLD armor, I shoud've gained roughly 600 exp. But from repairing every piece of armor from 1/8th to max durability, I barely gained 1000 exp. A waste of 21 gold bars and if it were an enchanted armor piece, lost the enchants...all for 1 tiny level up. Please boost the exp gain for armor back to it's original gain or at least something that makes the skill no longer broken. Additionally please remove the arcane enchant debuffer. The second time we had McMMO it was removed, we can all agree it's a counterproductive aspect of the skill and is worth disabling.
2) Alchemy
This seems like such a nice addition to the skill list but the amount of exp gain is just as minimal as it is repairing armor.
The ingredients are to the right on my hotbar. I brew 3 times per brewing stand.
![[Image: JxpuLcFh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/JxpuLcFh.png)
After brewing.
![[Image: hD15zWsh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/hD15zWsh.png)
I don't even gain 200 exp for brewing 6 potions. The McMMO forums exp chart for brewing also seems to be a little too low for any leveling up within a reasonable and not stretched out time frame. It would be nice if Alchemy exp gaining was given a little love and tweaked. What makes it even more funny is that I'm level 0. I can't imagine anyone making it past 10 unless all they did was waste their time not doing anything other than brewing for unreasonable amounts of time. Additionally, the perks unlocked for this skill happen at level 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000. Good luck getting to even a quarter of the way to 250. For the extra potions this skill overs, the first potion you unlock is at 125. Hah. Funny.
3) Unarmed
We all loved beating up mobs with our iron fists the second time Wolf Den had McMMO but the third time around it has become essentially counterproductive with regards to the exp gain amount and the risk you take getting beat up more often as opposed to using swords, bows and axes. On the McMMO forums, exp gain per Hostile Monster hit is 100 xp. For a player not wearing any armor, you gain 45 exp per hit. That's how the exp gain was for the second McMMO implement. Now it has become too nerfed to be of any use or worth leveling.
For example: You gain roughly 12 exp for hitting a player. Trivial numbers for leveling up from level 0 > 1 which takes 1,020 exp.
![[Image: 2250OQsh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/2250OQsh.png)
![[Image: woar8oSh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/woar8oSh.png)
I went ahead and seeked out some hostile mobs to kill to level up one time and get my exp to what it was in the picture above.
![[Image: 6vDwAGdh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/6vDwAGdh.png)
If it followed the formula on the forums, it should've taken about 16-18 punches to level up equating to about 6 mob deaths.
Instead, it took me 14 mobs to kill to level up one full time.
If you think that's adequate, think about this, I'm only level 28, I've killed somewhere around 200 pigmen (not including countless other mobs) which apparently give the most amount of nerfed exp (like 25-30 exp per hit).
It takes me about 1500-1600 exp to level up currently. That's about 64 hits--that's a lot!
I could have gained 6400 exp if the exp for unarmed was not nerfed.
It'll take about 2000 exp once I hit 50 to level up and 3000 exp once I hit lv 100.
I'm not saying that unarmed needed to be unnerfed but a reduction of the nerf would be greatly appreciated.
I have no problem with the nerf in general and actually think it's a nice balance to prevent people from getting OP levels of a skill within a short amount of time but there are areas of McMMO which the admins need to fix.
If you agree and would like to see a change to these select skills, a reply to this thread saying you are on board for a change and let the staff know it's not just one person's grief would be awesome!
This encompasses three skills:
1) Repair
2) Alchemy
3) Unarmed
1) Repair
Repair used to be fine when we had McMMO for the second time (during the world with Under Terra and Blue's Tower).
Since the nerf, exp gain has become laughable and the arcane enchant which makes you lose enchants from weapons/armor has made an evil appearance. This has ruined the skill attempting to level it up is a pure joke.
Here's an example:
My golden armor at roughly 1/8th durability.
![[Image: voIrxeXh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/voIrxeXh.png)
My exp before repair.
![[Image: ejDW6QNh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ejDW6QNh.png)
After repair.
![[Image: hM7zMIkh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/hM7zMIkh.png)
According to the McMMO forums, for ONE piece of GOLD armor, I shoud've gained roughly 600 exp. But from repairing every piece of armor from 1/8th to max durability, I barely gained 1000 exp. A waste of 21 gold bars and if it were an enchanted armor piece, lost the enchants...all for 1 tiny level up. Please boost the exp gain for armor back to it's original gain or at least something that makes the skill no longer broken. Additionally please remove the arcane enchant debuffer. The second time we had McMMO it was removed, we can all agree it's a counterproductive aspect of the skill and is worth disabling.
2) Alchemy
This seems like such a nice addition to the skill list but the amount of exp gain is just as minimal as it is repairing armor.
The ingredients are to the right on my hotbar. I brew 3 times per brewing stand.
![[Image: JxpuLcFh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/JxpuLcFh.png)
After brewing.
![[Image: hD15zWsh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/hD15zWsh.png)
I don't even gain 200 exp for brewing 6 potions. The McMMO forums exp chart for brewing also seems to be a little too low for any leveling up within a reasonable and not stretched out time frame. It would be nice if Alchemy exp gaining was given a little love and tweaked. What makes it even more funny is that I'm level 0. I can't imagine anyone making it past 10 unless all they did was waste their time not doing anything other than brewing for unreasonable amounts of time. Additionally, the perks unlocked for this skill happen at level 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000. Good luck getting to even a quarter of the way to 250. For the extra potions this skill overs, the first potion you unlock is at 125. Hah. Funny.
3) Unarmed
We all loved beating up mobs with our iron fists the second time Wolf Den had McMMO but the third time around it has become essentially counterproductive with regards to the exp gain amount and the risk you take getting beat up more often as opposed to using swords, bows and axes. On the McMMO forums, exp gain per Hostile Monster hit is 100 xp. For a player not wearing any armor, you gain 45 exp per hit. That's how the exp gain was for the second McMMO implement. Now it has become too nerfed to be of any use or worth leveling.
For example: You gain roughly 12 exp for hitting a player. Trivial numbers for leveling up from level 0 > 1 which takes 1,020 exp.
![[Image: 2250OQsh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/2250OQsh.png)
![[Image: woar8oSh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/woar8oSh.png)
I went ahead and seeked out some hostile mobs to kill to level up one time and get my exp to what it was in the picture above.
![[Image: 6vDwAGdh.png]](http://i.imgur.com/6vDwAGdh.png)
If it followed the formula on the forums, it should've taken about 16-18 punches to level up equating to about 6 mob deaths.
Instead, it took me 14 mobs to kill to level up one full time.
If you think that's adequate, think about this, I'm only level 28, I've killed somewhere around 200 pigmen (not including countless other mobs) which apparently give the most amount of nerfed exp (like 25-30 exp per hit).
It takes me about 1500-1600 exp to level up currently. That's about 64 hits--that's a lot!
I could have gained 6400 exp if the exp for unarmed was not nerfed.
It'll take about 2000 exp once I hit 50 to level up and 3000 exp once I hit lv 100.
I'm not saying that unarmed needed to be unnerfed but a reduction of the nerf would be greatly appreciated.
I have no problem with the nerf in general and actually think it's a nice balance to prevent people from getting OP levels of a skill within a short amount of time but there are areas of McMMO which the admins need to fix.
If you agree and would like to see a change to these select skills, a reply to this thread saying you are on board for a change and let the staff know it's not just one person's grief would be awesome!
![[Image: forte_megamerges_by_xemcail-d38no5n.gif]](http://orig02.deviantart.net/14f2/f/2011/033/6/a/forte_megamerges_by_xemcail-d38no5n.gif)
![[Image: bass_battle_y_chase_op_mm7_fc_by_megachimalx.gif]](http://orig05.deviantart.net/9ef1/f/2009/361/2/0/bass_battle_y_chase_op_mm7_fc_by_megachimalx.gif)