07-16-2015, 09:21 PM
I’ve intentionally held off from posting a response up to this point. I wanted to get some opinions in before I said anything further. On average they’ve not been in favor of this decision, or at least not in the manner of which it was handled. This is understandable as I was quick to carry through and provided little support for my own assertions. I was angry, and acted hastily as a result, consulting only 2 other admins before making my own decision. Fax, for all his flaws, could still be great fun to play with, and built amazing things.
The problem is, as Malice said, trust has been broken. Honestly, it may have been shaky for some time. I like you as a player Fax, but I no longer believe you belong in a place of authority, and reading back on old forum posts this week and thinking about all the friction I got regarding the running of the server since my return, it hasn’t help. I don’t think you can prevent yourself from over reacting when you feel insulted, even if you gave cause for the insult.
Concerning Bwoof
I’d like to express my thoughts on this incident, and why it was a trigger for all of this. The log is scarcely abridged. All that’s been cut out are the Denizen script errors that are littered throughout the logs, sometimes hundreds of lines at a time, as well as most of the formatting codes that would otherwise make most lines illegible. That substantial chunk covers a total of 13 minutes. What happens before and after is of no consequence.
It’s obvious from the log that you were occupied with server issues when the nickname requests were being made. That’s perfectly understandable. What’s not understandable is how you managed to group a brand new player (still having a white name even) in with long time established players, then decide that fire is the appropriate response to what you interpreted as a request for a goofy name. Ember never did get her nickname changed, after all. Bwoof calling you a dick, while immature, was justified in my opinion. You, the authority figure, vocally denied what was a legitimate request for a nickname by Ember and burned her instead. You may not have interpreted it as that, but you never stopped to ask why he called you a dick either. When he attacks you with his sword in a location which isn’t allowed, instead of telling him what the rule is (the appropriate reaction, since as a new player he might not know that particular rule), you immediately start to use your god powers to burn him. This was the overreaction, not the tempban. As you said, the log is pretty clear from there, and what it looks to me is that you were intentionally treating Bwoof with malicious intent. This is only my interpretation, but from what I read you wanted to watch him burn. You turned off the rain and teleported Bwoof to you any time he attempted to get away, to the point of spamming “/tp Bwoof Fax_Machine”. Once you extinguished him you decided you needed to publicly call him a “cry baby”. You had already gone far across the line at this point, but you had to tempban him anyways. If Bwoof weren’t referred to the server by a long time player of old, I’m sure they would have left the server and left a scathing review at whatever corner of the internet still has us listed.
Concerning the Question of this Being a Trend
When I say this is a recent trend, I’m wrong. This has always been a trend, just one which doesn’t manifest itself too often, but more than it should. I hate brining up something so dated, but here’s a log that was posted in the admin section a few forums back when Fax was still relatively new as an Admin.
At the time it was explained away with Ascii’s support that the two of you were merely testing the /nuke command. Rereading it though, I don’t believe that anymore. The chat on a whole is clearly distraught by the action right from the onset. By the second /nuke they’re practically crying for Fax to stop nuking them, having killed several of them already at this point (which he denies in the thread). What was his response when asked to stop?
He never apologized to the players affected. I let Fax convince me he was only messing around with a simple “My bad”. What an idiot I am. Even if he were just testing the command, something I doubt for the unnecessary 2nd and 3rd uses of the command, his response to the players when question about it was tantamount to “I don’t care, deal with it”. This is not the kind of behavior befitting of someone in power, and apparently 3 years later it still happens. How can actions like these be ok for an Admin?
I messed up letting that one slip. That would have been a prime opportunity to nip this behavioral thing in the butt. It’s times like that which caused the players of the server to think that Admins were just going to get away with whatever they wanted. It’s my fault most of all, because I am the one who said “not this time, it’ll be alright”. I said to myself “Well he does a lot of good, so I guess it’s not that bad.” Little did I know that players were being alienated and leaving the server as a result, and refusing to speak up about it. Why was Fax not warned? Because he should have known better, and I wasn’t strong enough to tell him otherwise.
This is Not a Ban
And it was never a consideration. Fax, in light of everything you’ve done for the server, and the support you have from those players who have posted their concerns, I’m willing to make a compromise. I’m willing to give you heightened permissions. Not Admin. I’m not even willing to consider Moderator at this time. What I would consider is giving you a custom set of permissions, those you would need to continue working on Safell, which is at this point wholly owned by you. I don’t want to deny you the work you’ve created, as mentioned in my original offer to provide you a copy of everything. It was good for you to have, and should it ever reach the other players it will be good for them as well. But as for accessing the Server remotely, that’s out of the question. Anything that needs to be done as far as scripts will be done through me. I’ll gladly make the plugin tweaks you need or install the scripts you’ve prepared, but you will have to develop them in your own local environment and clean them of errors first. If you want this, it’s yours.
If I’ve offended you to the point you do not wish to accept this compromise, I still wish to give you a copy of everything on the server. You’d be able to unzip the file and start your own copy of the server. You could even host it on your own machine. I’m fine with that. As far as I’m concerned you own Safell now. You are truly talented, and I sincerely would hate to see this event force you out of Minecraft.
Whatever you decide, I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
The problem is, as Malice said, trust has been broken. Honestly, it may have been shaky for some time. I like you as a player Fax, but I no longer believe you belong in a place of authority, and reading back on old forum posts this week and thinking about all the friction I got regarding the running of the server since my return, it hasn’t help. I don’t think you can prevent yourself from over reacting when you feel insulted, even if you gave cause for the insult.
Concerning Bwoof
I’d like to express my thoughts on this incident, and why it was a trigger for all of this. The log is scarcely abridged. All that’s been cut out are the Denizen script errors that are littered throughout the logs, sometimes hundreds of lines at a time, as well as most of the formatting codes that would otherwise make most lines illegible. That substantial chunk covers a total of 13 minutes. What happens before and after is of no consequence.
It’s obvious from the log that you were occupied with server issues when the nickname requests were being made. That’s perfectly understandable. What’s not understandable is how you managed to group a brand new player (still having a white name even) in with long time established players, then decide that fire is the appropriate response to what you interpreted as a request for a goofy name. Ember never did get her nickname changed, after all. Bwoof calling you a dick, while immature, was justified in my opinion. You, the authority figure, vocally denied what was a legitimate request for a nickname by Ember and burned her instead. You may not have interpreted it as that, but you never stopped to ask why he called you a dick either. When he attacks you with his sword in a location which isn’t allowed, instead of telling him what the rule is (the appropriate reaction, since as a new player he might not know that particular rule), you immediately start to use your god powers to burn him. This was the overreaction, not the tempban. As you said, the log is pretty clear from there, and what it looks to me is that you were intentionally treating Bwoof with malicious intent. This is only my interpretation, but from what I read you wanted to watch him burn. You turned off the rain and teleported Bwoof to you any time he attempted to get away, to the point of spamming “/tp Bwoof Fax_Machine”. Once you extinguished him you decided you needed to publicly call him a “cry baby”. You had already gone far across the line at this point, but you had to tempban him anyways. If Bwoof weren’t referred to the server by a long time player of old, I’m sure they would have left the server and left a scathing review at whatever corner of the internet still has us listed.
Concerning the Question of this Being a Trend
When I say this is a recent trend, I’m wrong. This has always been a trend, just one which doesn’t manifest itself too often, but more than it should. I hate brining up something so dated, but here’s a log that was posted in the admin section a few forums back when Fax was still relatively new as an Admin.
2012-07-25 19:33:11 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Fax_Machine: /nuke
2012-07-25 19:33:11 [INFO] creeper_kid123> do u play mw3
2012-07-25 19:33:13 [INFO] Ascii> one color + white ?
2012-07-25 19:33:15 [INFO] robbaz died. Deploying death chest.
2012-07-25 19:33:16 [INFO] Creating empty config: C:\Users\Administrator\WolfDen_2.0\plugins\Essentials\userdata\yack.yml
2012-07-25 19:33:20 [INFO] WereWolf92> aw
2012-07-25 19:33:20 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> jesus
2012-07-25 19:33:22 [INFO] TheGreysonW> DUDE
2012-07-25 19:33:27 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> WE ALMOST DIED
2012-07-25 19:33:27 [INFO] Ascii> something went boom near me..
2012-07-25 19:33:29 [INFO] soalboy> yuoyou hit me
2012-07-25 19:33:31 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Fax_Machine: /nuke
2012-07-25 19:33:31 [INFO] TheGreysonW> GOD ALMISHY
2012-07-25 19:33:32 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> tnt hit me
2012-07-25 19:33:34 [INFO] creeper_kid123 died. Deploying death chest.
2012- 7-25 19:33:38 [INFO] TheGreysonW> OMG
2012-07-25 19:33:42 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> 4WW
2012-07-25 19:33:45 [INFO] Ascii> glad i got a roof over my head
2012-07-25 19:33:45 [INFO] WereWolf92> WTF
2012-07-25 19:33:50 [INFO] Fax_Machine>
2012-07-25 19:33:54 [INFO] creeper_kid123> that was a creeper explosion
2012-07-25 19:33:55 [INFO] Toon_Will> That Was An Explosion
2012-07-25 19:33:57 [INFO] TheGreysonW> OMFG
2012-07-25 19:33:57 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> WHO IS THROWING TNT
2012-07-25 19:33:58 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Fax_Machine: /nuke
2012-07-25 19:33:59 [INFO] TheGreysonW> DUDES STOP
2012-07-25 19:33:59 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] wolfslayre92: /kittycannon
2012-07-25 19:33:59 [WARNING] wolfslayre92 was denied access to command.
2012-07-25 19:34:02 [INFO] creeper_kid123 died. Deploying death chest.
2012-07-25 19:34:04 [INFO] TheGreysonW> I ALMOST DIED
2012-07-25 19:34:10 [INFO] WereWolf92> please stop
2012-07-25 19:34:17 [INFO] soalboy> its not us
2012-07-25 19:34:19 [INFO] Ascii> u nukeing everyone?
2012-07-25 19:34:20 [INFO] Toon_Will> IMG
2012-07-25 19:34:21 [INFO] WereWolf92> brb
2012-07-25 19:34:24 [INFO] Fax_Machine> maybe
2012-07-25 19:34:28 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Fax seriously
2012-07-25 19:34:29 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-07-25 19:34:30 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Stop.
2012-07-25 19:34:31 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-07-25 19:34:35 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Im level 26
2012-07-25 19:34:35 [INFO] Fax_Machine> NEVER
2012-07-25 19:34:41 [INFO] soalboy> wheres my drin ko nyou
2012-07-25 19:34:45 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Ive already died like 4 times at level 30+ in a row.
2012-07-25 19:34:45 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> i'm level 26 aswelll
2012-07-25 19:34:50 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Dont be a jerk.
2012-07-25 19:34:55 [INFO] Fax_Machine> dont tell me what to od.
2012-07-25 19:34:57 [INFO] Fax_Machine> do*\
2012-07-25 19:34:57 [INFO] creeper_kid123> hi
2012-07-25 19:35:02 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] Ascii: /lightning
2012-07-25 19:35:03 [INFO] Fax_Machine> so help me
2012-07-25 19:35:05 [INFO] Fax_Machine> I will
2012-07-25 19:35:05 [INFO] RobbylTylerGl> no reason to abuse powers
2012-07-25 19:35:06 [INFO] Fax_Machine> I will
2012-07-25 19:35:06 [INFO] TheGreysonW> I was working on a project, that is extremely inprofessional and uncool.
2012-07-25 19:35:19 [INFO] TheGreysonW> You're abusing your power, it's not amusing.
2012-07-25 19:35:24 [INFO] Fax_Machine> well considering the 4 professions that exist are Lawyer, Doctor, Priest and Professor
2012-07-25 19:35:26 [INFO] soalboy> ye
2012-07-25 19:35:26 [INFO] Fax_Machine> and I am none
2012-07-25 19:35:27 [INFO] Toon_Will> Thanks For Not Taking It.
2012-07-25 19:35:30 [SEVERE] Got an exception when logging sign text!
2012-07-25 19:35:30 [SEVERE] Data truncation: Data too long for column 'line1' at row 1
2012-07-25 19:35:31 [INFO] Fax_Machine> then yes it is unprofessional
2012-07-25 19:35:35 [INFO] soalboy> welcome
2012-07-25 19:35:39 [INFO] soalboy> can i work here
2012-07-25 19:35:41 [INFO] TheGreysonW> Fax, stop.
2012-07-25 19:35:43 [INFO] creeper_kid123> do u play mw3
2012-07-25 19:35:44 [INFO] Toon_Will> Sure.
2012-07-25 19:35:47 [INFO] Fax_Machine> have I continued?
2012-07-25 19:35:47 [INFO] soalboy> yay
2012-07-25 19:35:57 [INFO] soalboy> sry
2012-07-25 19:35:58 [INFO] WereWolf92> fax, can you make the Werewolf pink?
2012-07-25 19:35:59 [INFO] Toon_Will> Con Grats
2012-07-25 19:36:00 [INFO] Fax_Machine> did I continue after your last request
2012-07-25 19:36:01 [INFO] Toon_Will> Np
2012-07-25 19:36:02 [INFO] WereWolf92> pwease?
2012-07-25 19:36:12 [INFO] soalboy>
2012-07-25 19:36:17 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] wolfslayre92: /list
2012-07-25 19:36:19 [INFO] Toon_Will> He Works Here
2012-07-25 19:36:23 [INFO] soalboy> oh
2012-07-25 19:36:23 [INFO] creeper_kid123> U R FIRED
2012-07-25 19:36:24 [INFO] WereWolf92> ascii
2012-07-25 19:36:28 [INFO] Fax_Machine> not me I haz work to do! and I'm off!
2012-07-25 19:36:31 [INFO] Connection reset
2012-07-25 19:36:31 [INFO] Fax_Machine lost connection: disconnect.quitting
At the time it was explained away with Ascii’s support that the two of you were merely testing the /nuke command. Rereading it though, I don’t believe that anymore. The chat on a whole is clearly distraught by the action right from the onset. By the second /nuke they’re practically crying for Fax to stop nuking them, having killed several of them already at this point (which he denies in the thread). What was his response when asked to stop?
Quote:2012-07-25 19:34:55 [INFO] Fax_Machine> dont tell me what to od.
2012-07-25 19:34:57 [INFO] Fax_Machine> do*\
He never apologized to the players affected. I let Fax convince me he was only messing around with a simple “My bad”. What an idiot I am. Even if he were just testing the command, something I doubt for the unnecessary 2nd and 3rd uses of the command, his response to the players when question about it was tantamount to “I don’t care, deal with it”. This is not the kind of behavior befitting of someone in power, and apparently 3 years later it still happens. How can actions like these be ok for an Admin?
I messed up letting that one slip. That would have been a prime opportunity to nip this behavioral thing in the butt. It’s times like that which caused the players of the server to think that Admins were just going to get away with whatever they wanted. It’s my fault most of all, because I am the one who said “not this time, it’ll be alright”. I said to myself “Well he does a lot of good, so I guess it’s not that bad.” Little did I know that players were being alienated and leaving the server as a result, and refusing to speak up about it. Why was Fax not warned? Because he should have known better, and I wasn’t strong enough to tell him otherwise.
This is Not a Ban
And it was never a consideration. Fax, in light of everything you’ve done for the server, and the support you have from those players who have posted their concerns, I’m willing to make a compromise. I’m willing to give you heightened permissions. Not Admin. I’m not even willing to consider Moderator at this time. What I would consider is giving you a custom set of permissions, those you would need to continue working on Safell, which is at this point wholly owned by you. I don’t want to deny you the work you’ve created, as mentioned in my original offer to provide you a copy of everything. It was good for you to have, and should it ever reach the other players it will be good for them as well. But as for accessing the Server remotely, that’s out of the question. Anything that needs to be done as far as scripts will be done through me. I’ll gladly make the plugin tweaks you need or install the scripts you’ve prepared, but you will have to develop them in your own local environment and clean them of errors first. If you want this, it’s yours.
If I’ve offended you to the point you do not wish to accept this compromise, I still wish to give you a copy of everything on the server. You’d be able to unzip the file and start your own copy of the server. You could even host it on your own machine. I’m fine with that. As far as I’m concerned you own Safell now. You are truly talented, and I sincerely would hate to see this event force you out of Minecraft.
Whatever you decide, I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
![[Image: MC_Sig.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v20/timber3050/Sigs/MC_Sig.jpg)
Founder and Co-owner of The Wolf Den