Love how you got your tv running off an hdmi port on the computer, smart, extra screen and easy enuff to quickswitch to actual television. wish i could wrap an hdmi cord around the room to my tv!
08-24-2015, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2015, 11:39 AM by Sigurther.)
Lovin' what I see so far, but come on people, let's seem some more responses here! Heck, the biggest guns of all haven't posted yet. I'm lookin' at you Wolf and Malice!! I know there's some tasty shenanigans going on at those command centers. Don't worry, you can clean it up or stage it so we don't have a peek into your private lives. Here, I'll even give you a classic command center pic from when I was in the navy as an incentive. Circa 2001 or so, Norfolk VA.
P.S. My spelling is still atrocious. Half the time even spell check has no idea what word i'm trying to type.
Edit: Found the better one. Was hiding in a different folder.
Nope, I've always been right handed. Due to playing Doom back in 1993, my primary interaction with computers has been left-handed mousing, right hand using arrow keys as directionals. I could never get used to WASD because of it. Top picture shows mouse on left as well.
About the Lynksys router (favorite of mine for years), do you find that they break down after two years or so? I noticed this trend staring in 2007 whereby they would just slow down dramaticly around year 2.5-3. Then it started happening with other brands as well. Seems like every 3 years I absolutely have to buy a new router. I think the Netgear I have right now has lasted the longest.
I have a netgear now myself.. The linksys one actually still works pretty good for what it was made for.. I actually brought it to work to repeat a public wifi hotspot so I could get wifi in my office lol.
08-28-2015, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2015, 04:41 PM by TWolfWD.)
Here's a shared battle station for you guys.
Click for full size.
Malice moved onto my desk for a LAN game with some friends once, and just kind of stayed around. She's using one of my monitors, since moving her monitor would just take too much space... maybe... I do have that monitor arm. It could work, but screw it.
Awww, you guys share a computer space, so sweet. I know the curse of the sleeping couch all too well. Mine seem to knock people right out. Or maybe I'm just that boring. Have to look into that.
Do you guys seriously sit right next to each other? Also I don't like that wolf and I have probably 80% of the same gear. I won't even ask what's in the photo bag.